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Frequently Asked Questions

Why buy Museum Curated images? has partnered with renowned museums to offer fine art reproductions of original works from their permanent collections and special exhibitions. These archival prints are developed along with museum experts to ensure that they will last for generations. We invite you to extend your visit to the museum by adding a Museum Curated image to your collection.


Each image is individually inspected and approved by our museum partner to be as close as possible to the original artwork. Where feasible, the artists or their estates are also involved in guiding the fidelity of the reproduction. experts verify the accuracy and quality of the prints to guarantee that they meet museum standards.


These museum-approved images are printed using state-of-the-art printing technology and materials. The high-density pigments provide rich and long-lasting colors and tonalities. Canvas is made from cotton, with a matte, water-resistant coating. Paper is acid- and lignin-free, designed to preserve color and detail for a hundred years or more.

Do the museums benefit from my purchase?

Each purchase supports the exhibitions and programs of our museum partners.

Are these reproductions also available at the museum store?

Many of these prints can also be purchased at the museum store or through an kiosks located in the shop.

Who do I contact if I need help selecting and purchasing museum artwork?

Please contact our customer support team toll free with any questions.

Within the United States: 1-800-952-5592
Monday-Saturday, 9:00am to 10:00pm EST

Within Europe: +44 207 183 1900
Monday-Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm GMT